Marco Polo
Copyright 2018 Words & Music Steve Pullara
Camp Swimming Pool (Narrative)
Summer Camp this year has been so much fun!
They have a special swimming pool with waterproof wheelchairs and a lift that can help us in and out its
cool water. Our favorite game in the pool is called "Marco Polo. It's like a game of tag, but in the water!"
Marco Polo (Song)
Oh, we're playing such a silly game with
a really funny name. Yea!
Splashing in the swimming pool
everybody's staying cool, Yea!!!
All yelling "Marco Polo",
but you gotta find me, when you're behind me.
"Marco Polo," Oh, you can't see me,
but I can see you.
"Marco Polo," Yea!!!
Do you wanna play our silly game with
a very funny name? Yea!
Come and splash in the swimming pool
where everybody's staying cool, Yea!!!
All yelling "Marco Polo", but you gotta find me,
standing beside me.
Yelling "Marco Polo", you gotta find me,
you gotta find me!
"Marco Polo" Yea!
Oh Fish outta water, fish outta water, you're it! Yea!
Hey, fish outta water, fish outta water, tag you're it!
Yelling "Marco Polo", but you gotta find me,
when you're behind me.
"Marco Polo", you can't see me,
but I can see you!
Marco Polo, Yea!
This game can go really long... Yea!
And we can play 'till everybody' gone... Yea!
For one last round with our Marco Polo sound...
'till nobody's left around.
'till nobody's left around...
'till nobody's left around...
to that "Marco Polo" sound!
Music & Lyrics by:
© 2018 Words & Music Steve Pullara
All rights reserved. Used by permission.
Steve Pullara, ASCAP
P.O. Box 2091
Warminster, PA 18974
Ph: (215) 675-7743
E-Mail: spullara@coolbeansmusic.com
Licensed by The Harry Fox Agency at www.harryfox.com