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Kitty Cat Under My Wheelchair by Steve P
Photos © 2018

Kitty Cat Under My Wheelchair

Copyright 2018 Words & Music Steve Pullara

Moochie On My Lap (Narrative)

My name is Jamey. I wrote that song this Summer on my banjo while sitting in the shade. Our kitty cat's name is Moochie and is sleeping right here on my lap. Our neighbor gave her to us as a kitten and she's mooched her way into our hearts ever since!

Kitty Cat Under My Wheelchair (Song)

Oh, Kitty Cat, Kitty Cat under my wheelchair...
ahh, don't you think I see you hiding under there?

Oh, Kitty Cat, Kitty Cat jump on my lap
'Cause it's time for you to take a cat nap.

Hey, Kitty Cat, Kitty Cat you're the queen of our house.
Ha, I'll  bet your dreaming of catching a mouse

Whoa, Kitty Cat, Kitty Cat it's time to wake up.
I want ya to meet our baby pup.


Don't be mad. He wants to be your friend.

He wags his little tail and wants to lick your face.

Come back here Kitty Cat where are ya going?

Oh, Kitty Cat, Kitty Cat you don't you run away mad.
You're the best friend that I ever had.

Hey, Kitty Cat, Kitty Cat come from under the bed!
I don't think you heard a word that I said.


Kitty Cat

Kitty Cat

Kitty Cat

Kitty Cat 

Kitty Cat, Kitty Cat it would hurt if you go.
Kitty Cat, Kitty Cat know love you so.

Kitty Cat, Kitty Cat 
come back under my wheelchair
I really like it when you hide under there.

Oh, Kitty Cat, Kitty Cat jump back on my lap!
'cause it's time for you to take your cat nap.

Oh, Kitty Cat, Kitty Cat under my wheelchair

don't you think I see you  hiding under there?


Music & Lyrics by:

© 2018 Words & Music Steve Pullara

All rights reserved. Used by permission.

Steve Pullara, ASCAP

P.O. Box 2091

Warminster, PA 18974


Ph: (215) 675-7743



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