Photo is © 2015 by Steve Pullara
Steve Pullara plays Gold Tone Banjitars.
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Aliens Playing Bluegrass
© 2015 Words & Music by Steve Pullara
Song note: Imaginations with no limits are fun to explore. It's healthy to unleash yours daily! I did when I wrote this alien song.
I was driving down the Parkway, heading for the Jersey shore,
as a flying saucer full of little green men followed for an hour or more.
I thought I heard a banjo and wondered “Could this be?”
Is there Bluegrass music way up there light years from Tennessee?
As I listened to this sound, the banjo stronger grew.
Aliens playing bluegrass, now that was something new.
When their frequency got clearer it was so plain to me,
someone or something was playing a banjo on it’s knee or knees.
I heard aliens playing bluegrass up there for me
strumming in a saucer high over the trees.
It was aliens playing bluegrass up there for me...
pluckin’ some chords they learned in Tennessee.
They rode a flying saucer with colored blinking lights,
and asked me through a radio, “ Hey,you wanna jam with us tonite?”
“And, if you have a harmonica can you bring that with you please?”
Then, we laid some tracks in the universe for all to hear and see.
They were... Aliens playing bluegrass up there for me
strumming in a saucer high over the trees.
It was aliens playing bluegrass up there for me...
pluckin’ some chords they learned in Tennessee.
We played about hour or maybe more, then I shook some hands and parted and continued for the shore.
But, I’m glad I got this recording at the moment we were through.
‘Cause nobody would ever believe I played with aliens. Would you?
I jammed with...Aliens playing bluegrass up there for me
strumming in a saucer high over the trees.
It was aliens playing bluegrass up there for me...
pluckin’ some chords they learned in Tennessee.
Music & Lyrics Published by:
Pullara-Tunes a Division of Cool Beans Music, ASCAP
Box 2091, Warminster, PA 18974
© 2015 Cool Beans Music, Inc.
All rights reserved. Used by permission.
(215) 675-7743 (spullara@coolbeansmusic.com)
Licensed by The Harry Fox Agency at www.harryfox.com