Album Title: Butterflies Wear Sneakers
Artist: Steve Pullara & His Red Eared Sliderz
Genre: Family Music in the style of Americana, Roots, Country and Folk
Label: Cool Beans Music
Address: Box 2091, Warminster, PA 18974 Phone: 215-675-7743
Album Website:
Phone: 215-675-7743
Sales Outlets: CDBaby, iTunes, Amazon and Major Online Retailers
Photos are © 2015 by Cher Pombo Baldanaza
Web design by Cool Beans Music & Art Studio. All images, text and music © 2015 by Cool Beans Music Inc., Box 2091, Warminster, PA 18974,
Press Release: “Butterflies Wear Sneakers" is a new
Children's Album by"Steve Pullara And His Red Eared Sliderz"
"Butterflies Wear Sneakers" is a new Family Album released and performed by Steve Pullara. He's a GRAMMYⓇ winning producer and multi-award winning family recording artist who's always pushing the envelope a little further. Steve's music and topics have that unique quality of crossover appeal to many ages and genres. Pullara's songs are heard in all kinds of radio playlists both domestically and internationally.
This album has recently reached #23 in an Amazon Music download listing. A video of the album's featured song "The More Teeth Missin' The Better For Kissin' " from "Butterflies Wear Sneakers" has nearly 30,000 international & domestic views on YouTube. A fact that cannot be ignored is that families and international radio playlists enjoy and relate to Steve Pullara's music in this album. He's listed as a top 200 airplay artist in the "International Country Music Chart."
Steve Pullara has earned and gained a wide audience with his energetic band The Red Eared Sliderz. "Butterflies Wear Sneakers" is a strong and solid example of his skills as a family recording artist, songwriter, musician, singer and producer. He records his children's music in the styles of Folk, Americana and Country. In doing so, Steve Pullara has created a style of recording and writing that is his own unique signature in the Children's Music genre. Easily recognizable, this artist's songs are appealing and enjoyable to many families. Steve's music will last them a lifetime.
Read about Steve's musicians and his two co-existing bands under the "Bands" tab of this website.
Everybody in this album are real voices, real musicians and real life...except for maybe Steve's outer space UFO alien song (but...ya never know!)
About this New Family Recording:
“Butterflies Wear Sneakers” by "Steve Pullara and His Red Eared Sliderz" is a collection of eleven new songs. Ten songs are Steve Pullara originals and one cover tune was written by Stevie Wonder. Everything on this album is loaded with excellent writing, memorable melodies and musical entertainment. The album contains family conversations and observations between child to parent and parent to child. For instance, in a song entitled The More Teeth Missin’ The Better For Kissin', Pullara’s observations are masterfully written about in a circle of life theme through the ponderings of a little girl and her father. Together, as child and parent, they change their opinion about the tooth fairy. This song instantly became part of international radio playlists. It also has a popular lyrical video on YouTube that families enjoy. Always sensitive to many evolving family roles, Steve's "Truck Driver Momma" is a tale about a mother who operates an 18 wheeler. She drives a daily route with her little boy in the cab as she integrates this new normal into his life. Steve always uses a colorful palette in his family friendly style recordings. For instance, he can comfortably switch from anywhere in this album as he a fun and whimsical song with crossover appeal. Orbit over to his song about space visitors entitled "Aliens Playing Bluegrass." This tune is as hard hitting as anything on a country radio station in Nashville. Some of his compositions on this new album are in melonchally whimsy like the selling away of your first family car in "Bessie Sweet Bessie." Driving to another tune entitled "So Small," Steve states that no matter how small your effort is...everything matters as one rain drop at a time gathers with others. Each drop can change the world. It's lyrics are very encouraging and comforting to young listners as they sit in a staccato fiddle with cymbals pinging. They sound like raindrops melted into 12 string guitar, keyboard and banjo to a wonderful flowing rhythm.
Pullara’s songwriting skill and observations can also make you painfully aware of holding onto dreams through life's challenges. Listen-in about this topic with the upbeat, and perky, country porch feel of pure Americana in his song "Somedays." These are fun and relatable lyrics about how all your dreams are cast into a wishing well with hope. As we progress through the album's roster, in "Just Visiting" friendships are explored. Steve's word-smithing illustrates how scenarios change as we grow-up. He cleverly compares childhood and maturity to comic book idealism which are often like TV sitcoms that have run their natural course. Tenderly, the lovely song "When I’m With You" sings about the unbelief of realizing the beauty of someone as your mother. This song's duality is from a child's eyes back to their mom and as a parent also is observing and appreciating the mother of their children. We’ve all met this type of person in Pullara's song lyrics. If Sinatra were alive today, he’d license this one...and Tony Bennet needs to hear it. As Steve's roster is explored by listeners, you cannot be unmoved by the heartbreaking show stopper of "Where’s Daddy?" This song is about a child wanting their parent to spend more time with them. The kid (boy or girl) in this melody has some very interesting inquiries that have an unexpected plot. It's deliberatly followed next in the line-up with "Three Ring Circus" which is about a parent's epiphany to their family. During a carnival outing, as they all watch the circus clowns together, this parent notices similarities about themselves to the clowns and circus acts. These children love being with their parents. It’s a raw reality and slice of family life for us all. The final song in this album's collection is a roots transformation of a Stevie Wonder cover song that states in its title that "Heaven Is 10 Zillion Light Years Away." The Steve Pullara & His Red Eared Sliderz treatment of Stevie Wonder’s hard hitting lyrics and melody are very powerful. Current news headlines, combined with the talent of these two Steves into one piece of music are not to be missed. Families who will listen to this song can start a diologue about the social issues that are raised in hearing it. Its lyrics, like every lyric to this album's songs, are displayed on the album's website.
Steve Pullara's writing in “Butterflies Wear Sneakers” is song-craft at its best where each memorable melody is matched to the relatable lyrics. This album runs a gamut of emotions to all who hear its music which is a good sign of art that connects to its listeners.
Each of the songs in "Butterflies Wear Sneakers" are delivered with excellent arrangements, production, vocals, guitar, banjo, slide guitar, dobro, fiddle, cello, drums and bass. No voices were run through auto-tune on any song. These musicians really know their way around their instruments and studio. They've enjoyed recording these songs for families who will hear them.